Since ancestry tests reveal what is called Ashkenazi DNA appears in Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Atheists, patently there is nothing Jewish about it. Ashkenazi are basically Germans.
There is no such thing as an atheist Jew just as it is impossible for there to be an atheist Christian.
Zionists were deluded. Jews are not a nation or a r…
Since ancestry tests reveal what is called Ashkenazi DNA appears in Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Atheists, patently there is nothing Jewish about it. Ashkenazi are basically Germans.
There is no such thing as an atheist Jew just as it is impossible for there to be an atheist Christian.
Zionists were deluded. Jews are not a nation or a race. It is scientifically, genetically, biologically impossible for any religion to create a genetic marker.
It is all mythology. Herzl may have been an atheist but he believed in the Judaic mythology that Jews were superior as humans and Palestine belonged to Jews. He was deluded and deranged and so are most Israelis and all of their supporters.
Ancestary tests say whatever people want. Which is why, in regards to Ashkenazi's, you can find genetic tests that give completely contradictory results. There is no clarity whatsoever or consensus
'The Jews' are from Judea or the house of Judah. Judah, brought us Judaism and later zionism. The real irony is Jewish scholars saying that Judah was a non Israelite tribe. The Greek word used in the bible for 'Jew' comes from a Hebrew word, meaning 'Of Judah'. The Cheif Rabbi of Great Britian in 1918 said all the worlds Jews were from the tribes Judah or Benjamin. You will see that is a pretty consistent theme echoed by many Jewish scholars over the years.
After the Roman sacking of Jerusalem and the temple , many retreated back to Babylon and remained until it went Muslim around the 7th and 8th century,. though some Talmudic schools stayed in Bablyon for several centuries after.
Then, in the 8th century they populated (invaded) the Iberian peninsula riding in on and helping with the Muslim invasion. Heinrich Graetz goes over this period in his Magnus Opus on Jewish History in great detail. They became the Sephardic
Also in the 8th century; Famed Russian Historian & Ethnologist, Lev Gumilev dedicated many years to the Khazars
“These Jewish merchants settled in large number in the Khazar capital Itil, and by the eighth century they had formed a foreign elite and gained ever-increasing political influence. The situation came to a head in the early ninth century when a Jewish prince seized power and made Rabbinic Judaism the official religion of state. The coup was resisted by the local population, and led to a bloody civil war which the Jewish caste won by hiring mercenaries. Although the mass of ethnic Khazars were eventually constrained to submit to the authority of the Jewish elite, they never converted to Judaism, which remained exclusively the faith of the political authorities. With this, Gumilev concludes, Khazaria was transformed into a full-fledged ethnic chimera. “In their very own country,” the Khazars became “the conquered, disenfranchised, and powerless subjects of a government that was foreign to them in terms of its ethnicity, its religion, and it goals.”
They became the Ashkenazi
The Sephardic were kicked out of Spain in 1492, Many came to the new world with Columbus, some went back to Palestine (and created the Lurianic Kabbalah), others dispersed through western europe
The Ashkenazi-ruled Khazar Empire collaped in the 10th century, then scattered thoughout Eastern europe and Germany. By the 17th century, Poland had 3-5 million Jews living in a state within a state. Then Russia annexed Ukriane and the 'Pale of Settlement' was created. Which is where revolutionary communism and Zionism both took hold. Dr Chas Weizman (The first president of Israel) goes over that era in very candid detail. How they just split the Jewish masses down the middle. One side became communist revolutionaries they other side became communist revolutionaries
Yes have read all that but thanks for repeating it here. I merely make the point that a. the stories about Jews are religious stories and not history nor archaeology, and b. it is genetically impossible for any religion to create a genetic marker. and in the earliest times, like everyone, the Jews took converts, females, by force.
Yeah I think it's a little more than just silly Russians picking up the Torah and getting confused and demanding Palestine. lol
you are being simplistic. Because Judaism takes in converts (on rare occasion) does not make Jewish dispora fake. There was a few mass conversions in late antiquity as well
'Ethnic Jew' is a thing. Karl Marx was an ethnic Jew from a long line of prominent rabbis going back to the 10th century
Benjamin Disraeli prime minster of Great Britain in the 19th century was an ethnic jew who converted to Christianity. That was a geniune conversion unlike many others. Once you convert to Christianity, you are out of the tribe. Your jew card is revoked
The renowned Jewish scholar Jacob Neusner, makes clear a distinction between Judaists and Jews, when he says: “The ethnic group does not define the religious system.... All Judaists—those who practice the religion, Judaism—are Jews, but not all Jews are Judaists. That is to say, all those who practice the religion, Judaism, by definition fall into the ethnic group, the Jews, but not all members of the ethnic group practice Judaism.”
However, Neusner adds, tellingly, that Christianity plays a special role in defining who counts as a Jew either ethnically or religiously: “the ethnic community opens its doors not by reason of outsiders’ adopting the markers of ethnicity... but by reason of adopting what is not ethnic but religious.... While not all Jews practice Judaism, in the iron-clad consensus among contemporary Jews, Jews who practice Christianity cease to be part of the ethnic Jewish community, while those who practice Buddhism remain within.”
Look I understand all of that. Perhaps I was not clear enough.
I was trying to make the point that regardless of what Jews might think about themselves or what Judaism teaches, it does not make it a reality.
Judaism teaches Jews are the only true humans. That is patently ridiculous and without any substance. Sure Jews can believe that but it does not make it true and in the modern age, it just makes them look silly.
I don't recall talking about silly Russians picking up the Torah, getting confused and demanding Palestine.
The obsession with Palestine comes from Judaic mythology, that there is something special about Jerusalem and Palestine because Jews camped there for a time. Again, none of that has any historical or legal validity. Nice story for the religion but never meant to be literal. Indeed, as many orthodox Jews said when Zionism was invented.
You said:. Because Judaism takes in converts (on rare occasion) does not make Jewish dispora fake.
I never said it did or that the Diaspora was fake. Jews have lived in dozens of countries around the world for centuries. The idea that was a Diaspora comes from the Judaic fairy tales about a mythical Israel and a long lost Judea.
You said: 'Ethnic Jew' is a thing.
Ethnic Jews is only a thing as an irrational belief based in no scientific, biological or historical reality. The Jews could believe they were ethnic Martions and it would mean as much.
Disraeli was not an ethnic Jew. He was English and his religion was Christianity.
Neusner again, is interesting in terms of the religion and its various definitions but nothing he said has any substance in reality, science, biology or law.
Judaic hatred of Christians is ancient and what you say makes sense. I doubt they knew many Buddhists thousands of years ago so not enough time to learn to hate them. Anyway, Buddhists would say they are not a religion.
Everything you say is relevant in terms of the religion. It makes no sense in a modern world or legally, historically or biologically. The most ridiculous fantasy is that there is such a thing as an atheist Jew. Yes, I know you would fit this into the Judaic teachings you have repeated here, but with our modern understanding of law, biology, history, it is ridiculous.
Listen, let's say you might even be objectively true. That still doesn't change the fact how the majority of Hollywood producers, bankers, media moguls, etc. view themselves despite their lack of religiosity. They are Zionists and thus they view themselves as Jews and view everybody else as 'the goyim'.
I'm also an atheist and an Ashkenazi and I was raised in the belief that I'm Jewish and thus separate from 'standard' Europeans/white people.
The view you're so obsessively trying to defend here is not the view shared by the majority of people around the world, because Zionists won the cultural war so to speak against the non-Zionist religious Jews, so the world accepted the Zionist perspective as the mainstream position.
Well, there are plenty of people in psychiatric wards who consider themselves to be Jesus Christ, Martians, Genghis Khan or some such so the fact some non-Jews and Zionists who think they are Jews when they are atheists does not count for much.
The fact that you were raised with irrational racist beliefs does not make you or your beliefs valid in any way.
I am not sure what you think your last para is grounded in. Most people around the world do not think about or care about Jews or Zionists and even in the Western world, Jews, Zionists and Israel are largely irrelevant.
Well they were until the genocidal slaughter in the Gaza concentration camp which has achieved the result of informing more people around the world of the psychopathic evil which is Zionism in general and Zionist Israel in particular and indeed all those who support it.
The mainstream position of most people on the planet does not even know what a Zionist perspective is, let alone accept it as a mainstream position.
If you were brainwashed as a child as you say, then you live in a bubble and your capacity to have access to facts and reality is limited if nonexistent and your ability to coherently assess things regarding Zionism, Judaism, Israel is nonexistent.
It is because I have studied and been exposed to mental illness in others that I can discern it in Zionists, Israelis and Jews who support Ziorael’s atrocities. Anyone brainwashed from birth as you have admitted you were, would be wise to undergo some form of psychotherapy in order to achieve mental health. It is harder to do it for a culture, religion, State and political movement as required for Zionist Israel but if each individual is encouraged to move beyond the cult environment then gradually the mindset changes and that changes the society. Although Israel is probably too severely mentally ill to be saved as a State. For its own sake and that of everyone else it needs to be dismantled.
Since ancestry tests reveal what is called Ashkenazi DNA appears in Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Atheists, patently there is nothing Jewish about it. Ashkenazi are basically Germans.
There is no such thing as an atheist Jew just as it is impossible for there to be an atheist Christian.
Zionists were deluded. Jews are not a nation or a race. It is scientifically, genetically, biologically impossible for any religion to create a genetic marker.
It is all mythology. Herzl may have been an atheist but he believed in the Judaic mythology that Jews were superior as humans and Palestine belonged to Jews. He was deluded and deranged and so are most Israelis and all of their supporters.
Ancestary tests say whatever people want. Which is why, in regards to Ashkenazi's, you can find genetic tests that give completely contradictory results. There is no clarity whatsoever or consensus
'The Jews' are from Judea or the house of Judah. Judah, brought us Judaism and later zionism. The real irony is Jewish scholars saying that Judah was a non Israelite tribe. The Greek word used in the bible for 'Jew' comes from a Hebrew word, meaning 'Of Judah'. The Cheif Rabbi of Great Britian in 1918 said all the worlds Jews were from the tribes Judah or Benjamin. You will see that is a pretty consistent theme echoed by many Jewish scholars over the years.
After the Roman sacking of Jerusalem and the temple , many retreated back to Babylon and remained until it went Muslim around the 7th and 8th century,. though some Talmudic schools stayed in Bablyon for several centuries after.
Then, in the 8th century they populated (invaded) the Iberian peninsula riding in on and helping with the Muslim invasion. Heinrich Graetz goes over this period in his Magnus Opus on Jewish History in great detail. They became the Sephardic
Also in the 8th century; Famed Russian Historian & Ethnologist, Lev Gumilev dedicated many years to the Khazars
“These Jewish merchants settled in large number in the Khazar capital Itil, and by the eighth century they had formed a foreign elite and gained ever-increasing political influence. The situation came to a head in the early ninth century when a Jewish prince seized power and made Rabbinic Judaism the official religion of state. The coup was resisted by the local population, and led to a bloody civil war which the Jewish caste won by hiring mercenaries. Although the mass of ethnic Khazars were eventually constrained to submit to the authority of the Jewish elite, they never converted to Judaism, which remained exclusively the faith of the political authorities. With this, Gumilev concludes, Khazaria was transformed into a full-fledged ethnic chimera. “In their very own country,” the Khazars became “the conquered, disenfranchised, and powerless subjects of a government that was foreign to them in terms of its ethnicity, its religion, and it goals.”
They became the Ashkenazi
The Sephardic were kicked out of Spain in 1492, Many came to the new world with Columbus, some went back to Palestine (and created the Lurianic Kabbalah), others dispersed through western europe
The Ashkenazi-ruled Khazar Empire collaped in the 10th century, then scattered thoughout Eastern europe and Germany. By the 17th century, Poland had 3-5 million Jews living in a state within a state. Then Russia annexed Ukriane and the 'Pale of Settlement' was created. Which is where revolutionary communism and Zionism both took hold. Dr Chas Weizman (The first president of Israel) goes over that era in very candid detail. How they just split the Jewish masses down the middle. One side became communist revolutionaries they other side became communist revolutionaries
Yes have read all that but thanks for repeating it here. I merely make the point that a. the stories about Jews are religious stories and not history nor archaeology, and b. it is genetically impossible for any religion to create a genetic marker. and in the earliest times, like everyone, the Jews took converts, females, by force.
Yeah I think it's a little more than just silly Russians picking up the Torah and getting confused and demanding Palestine. lol
you are being simplistic. Because Judaism takes in converts (on rare occasion) does not make Jewish dispora fake. There was a few mass conversions in late antiquity as well
'Ethnic Jew' is a thing. Karl Marx was an ethnic Jew from a long line of prominent rabbis going back to the 10th century
Benjamin Disraeli prime minster of Great Britain in the 19th century was an ethnic jew who converted to Christianity. That was a geniune conversion unlike many others. Once you convert to Christianity, you are out of the tribe. Your jew card is revoked
The renowned Jewish scholar Jacob Neusner, makes clear a distinction between Judaists and Jews, when he says: “The ethnic group does not define the religious system.... All Judaists—those who practice the religion, Judaism—are Jews, but not all Jews are Judaists. That is to say, all those who practice the religion, Judaism, by definition fall into the ethnic group, the Jews, but not all members of the ethnic group practice Judaism.”
However, Neusner adds, tellingly, that Christianity plays a special role in defining who counts as a Jew either ethnically or religiously: “the ethnic community opens its doors not by reason of outsiders’ adopting the markers of ethnicity... but by reason of adopting what is not ethnic but religious.... While not all Jews practice Judaism, in the iron-clad consensus among contemporary Jews, Jews who practice Christianity cease to be part of the ethnic Jewish community, while those who practice Buddhism remain within.”
Look I understand all of that. Perhaps I was not clear enough.
I was trying to make the point that regardless of what Jews might think about themselves or what Judaism teaches, it does not make it a reality.
Judaism teaches Jews are the only true humans. That is patently ridiculous and without any substance. Sure Jews can believe that but it does not make it true and in the modern age, it just makes them look silly.
I don't recall talking about silly Russians picking up the Torah, getting confused and demanding Palestine.
The obsession with Palestine comes from Judaic mythology, that there is something special about Jerusalem and Palestine because Jews camped there for a time. Again, none of that has any historical or legal validity. Nice story for the religion but never meant to be literal. Indeed, as many orthodox Jews said when Zionism was invented.
You said:. Because Judaism takes in converts (on rare occasion) does not make Jewish dispora fake.
I never said it did or that the Diaspora was fake. Jews have lived in dozens of countries around the world for centuries. The idea that was a Diaspora comes from the Judaic fairy tales about a mythical Israel and a long lost Judea.
You said: 'Ethnic Jew' is a thing.
Ethnic Jews is only a thing as an irrational belief based in no scientific, biological or historical reality. The Jews could believe they were ethnic Martions and it would mean as much.
Disraeli was not an ethnic Jew. He was English and his religion was Christianity.
Neusner again, is interesting in terms of the religion and its various definitions but nothing he said has any substance in reality, science, biology or law.
Judaic hatred of Christians is ancient and what you say makes sense. I doubt they knew many Buddhists thousands of years ago so not enough time to learn to hate them. Anyway, Buddhists would say they are not a religion.
Everything you say is relevant in terms of the religion. It makes no sense in a modern world or legally, historically or biologically. The most ridiculous fantasy is that there is such a thing as an atheist Jew. Yes, I know you would fit this into the Judaic teachings you have repeated here, but with our modern understanding of law, biology, history, it is ridiculous.
Listen, let's say you might even be objectively true. That still doesn't change the fact how the majority of Hollywood producers, bankers, media moguls, etc. view themselves despite their lack of religiosity. They are Zionists and thus they view themselves as Jews and view everybody else as 'the goyim'.
I'm also an atheist and an Ashkenazi and I was raised in the belief that I'm Jewish and thus separate from 'standard' Europeans/white people.
The view you're so obsessively trying to defend here is not the view shared by the majority of people around the world, because Zionists won the cultural war so to speak against the non-Zionist religious Jews, so the world accepted the Zionist perspective as the mainstream position.
Well, there are plenty of people in psychiatric wards who consider themselves to be Jesus Christ, Martians, Genghis Khan or some such so the fact some non-Jews and Zionists who think they are Jews when they are atheists does not count for much.
The fact that you were raised with irrational racist beliefs does not make you or your beliefs valid in any way.
I am not sure what you think your last para is grounded in. Most people around the world do not think about or care about Jews or Zionists and even in the Western world, Jews, Zionists and Israel are largely irrelevant.
Well they were until the genocidal slaughter in the Gaza concentration camp which has achieved the result of informing more people around the world of the psychopathic evil which is Zionism in general and Zionist Israel in particular and indeed all those who support it.
The mainstream position of most people on the planet does not even know what a Zionist perspective is, let alone accept it as a mainstream position.
If you were brainwashed as a child as you say, then you live in a bubble and your capacity to have access to facts and reality is limited if nonexistent and your ability to coherently assess things regarding Zionism, Judaism, Israel is nonexistent.
You sound like someone who should pay a visit to a psychiatric ward yourself.
It is because I have studied and been exposed to mental illness in others that I can discern it in Zionists, Israelis and Jews who support Ziorael’s atrocities. Anyone brainwashed from birth as you have admitted you were, would be wise to undergo some form of psychotherapy in order to achieve mental health. It is harder to do it for a culture, religion, State and political movement as required for Zionist Israel but if each individual is encouraged to move beyond the cult environment then gradually the mindset changes and that changes the society. Although Israel is probably too severely mentally ill to be saved as a State. For its own sake and that of everyone else it needs to be dismantled.