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Yeah I think it's a little more than just silly Russians picking up the Torah and getting confused and demanding Palestine. lol

you are being simplistic. Because Judaism takes in converts (on rare occasion) does not make Jewish dispora fake. There was a few mass conversions in late antiquity as well

'Ethnic Jew' is a thing. Karl Marx was an ethnic Jew from a long line of prominent rabbis going back to the 10th century

Benjamin Disraeli prime minster of Great Britain in the 19th century was an ethnic jew who converted to Christianity. That was a geniune conversion unlike many others. Once you convert to Christianity, you are out of the tribe. Your jew card is revoked

The renowned Jewish scholar Jacob Neusner, makes clear a distinction between Judaists and Jews, when he says: “The ethnic group does not define the religious system.... All Judaists—those who practice the religion, Judaism—are Jews, but not all Jews are Judaists. That is to say, all those who practice the religion, Judaism, by definition fall into the ethnic group, the Jews, but not all members of the ethnic group practice Judaism.”

However, Neusner adds, tellingly, that Christianity plays a special role in defining who counts as a Jew either ethnically or religiously: “the ethnic community opens its doors not by reason of outsiders’ adopting the markers of ethnicity... but by reason of adopting what is not ethnic but religious.... While not all Jews practice Judaism, in the iron-clad consensus among contemporary Jews, Jews who practice Christianity cease to be part of the ethnic Jewish community, while those who practice Buddhism remain within.”

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Look I understand all of that. Perhaps I was not clear enough.

I was trying to make the point that regardless of what Jews might think about themselves or what Judaism teaches, it does not make it a reality.

Judaism teaches Jews are the only true humans. That is patently ridiculous and without any substance. Sure Jews can believe that but it does not make it true and in the modern age, it just makes them look silly.

I don't recall talking about silly Russians picking up the Torah, getting confused and demanding Palestine.

The obsession with Palestine comes from Judaic mythology, that there is something special about Jerusalem and Palestine because Jews camped there for a time. Again, none of that has any historical or legal validity. Nice story for the religion but never meant to be literal. Indeed, as many orthodox Jews said when Zionism was invented.

You said:. Because Judaism takes in converts (on rare occasion) does not make Jewish dispora fake.

I never said it did or that the Diaspora was fake. Jews have lived in dozens of countries around the world for centuries. The idea that was a Diaspora comes from the Judaic fairy tales about a mythical Israel and a long lost Judea.

You said: 'Ethnic Jew' is a thing.

Ethnic Jews is only a thing as an irrational belief based in no scientific, biological or historical reality. The Jews could believe they were ethnic Martions and it would mean as much.

Disraeli was not an ethnic Jew. He was English and his religion was Christianity.

Neusner again, is interesting in terms of the religion and its various definitions but nothing he said has any substance in reality, science, biology or law.

Judaic hatred of Christians is ancient and what you say makes sense. I doubt they knew many Buddhists thousands of years ago so not enough time to learn to hate them. Anyway, Buddhists would say they are not a religion.

Everything you say is relevant in terms of the religion. It makes no sense in a modern world or legally, historically or biologically. The most ridiculous fantasy is that there is such a thing as an atheist Jew. Yes, I know you would fit this into the Judaic teachings you have repeated here, but with our modern understanding of law, biology, history, it is ridiculous.

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