America destroyed the Soviet Union just to become a gay, brown & highly dysfunctional version of it.....ironic, isn't it?

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Did America - more specifically - the United States destroy the Soviet Union, or did it collapse from within?

Can Mexico claim they defeated the United States just because they tea-bagged the corpse longest and hardest?

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Great piece. I have been laboring through the insufferable Peter Zeihan's "Accidental Superpower". It amazing how much he gets wrong after correctly raising some 5th grade history pointers about unique geography, natural resources, and so forth.

Russia and China are always "2 weeks away" from collapse for this guy, while the best days of America's polyglot empire always lay ahead. It would be interesting to get your take(down) on this inexplicably popular figure on this page or Warstrike at some point.

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When the aztecs and Incas encountered the Spanish. Their vast numbers were overwhelmed by the cohesiveness and determination of the conquistadors. The sole focus of which was pillaging assets for the homeland. Having never been united against a foe, the indigenous people were unable to organise and counter with any effect. Sacrificing life for the good of your fellow people can only come about through extreme cohesion against a common enemy

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Even when the conquistadors are children on excursion to a fractured and dysfunctional society they rule with impunity


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You might find this interview on The Duran with a former Pentagon civilian scientist quite interesting - he starts going off at the 1 hr mark about "frauds" at the highest level of the American academic hierarchy - naming names ! It really bears out the theme of very deep institutional rot now permeating through every level of the system


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Please JoJo, please capitalize the "w" in White..! Excellent article, will share with friends.

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Thought provoking article data based article for sure. One metric that I noticed missing was the purchasing power of the Dollar from 1970 onwards. I am sure you must be familiar with this metric, as many who examine the economic decline of the U.S.A tout it often. Back in the Late 60's full employment was a thing, and made in America by Union workers mattered. Often the year 1970 it cited as the beginning of the decline of the American Blue Collar Worker. Could it be the case that both the Soviet Union, and the US in reality started to decline around the same time, just that in the case of the Soviet Union it was more rapid, and thus Modern Russia had a quicker recovery? Can one make the case that the US has been running on fumes since NAFTA and GATT?

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I hate be a “well ackchyually” guy but Edward Gibbon was more of a figure influenced by the Enlightenment rather then Protestant English culture. Much of the controversy surrounding his work, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire stems from one of his theories being that Christianity was an important cause to Rome’s decline. This is more reflective of his Enlightenment values of being skeptical toward religion rather then a actual historical cause. Though Gibbon much like Voltaire due to his skepticism of religion was by extension “hateful” and not liberal by todays standards because he didn’t see Jews as “special” rather instead superstitious and hateful toward the rest of mankind.

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What hair are you even splitting here? I don't know what Gibbons' sincere religious beliefs are. I do know that, despite the semi defeat of Cromwellianism, the fixation on individual moral purity remained in a watered down form in 18th c England. This undoubtedly influenced part of Gibbons' theory for Rome's decline. Gibbons' work on the decline of Rome was very influential on later Victorian obsession with civic campaigns against degeneracy.

I know a lot of right wingers love Gibbons' work and get defensive when you question this theory. I think Gibbons' contributions are classic and thought provoking, he deserves the respect he gets. But that doesn't mean his historical work does not suffer from ideological prejudices that may lead us to incorrect historical conclusions. You are missing my point on this topic in the article which is not to debate the minutae of gibbons.

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Sorry, it’s just I’ve never heard of Gibbon being connected to Protestant moral purity. But to go back to the content in your article and on the topic of people looking back in history through an ideological lens, do you think future historians in China for example will accept America’s own mythic narrative that it’s decline was connected to “Americans holding onto Whitness” or will they acknowledge the Jewish role in sucking America dry and holding its White population in utter contempt. It would be interesting for a future Chinese historian contrasting with how they dealt with problematic elements in ethnic minority populations like the Uyghurs with America’s constant appeasement to Blacks and allowing them wreck havoc upon the White population with little consequence.

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If America wants to stay competitive in the world, especially tech, we need more hindu migration.

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There is a ton of untapped potential among young, white, rural Americans that is being overlooked for discriminatory/political reasons. How about we give out free aptitude tests and publicly subsidize university STEM degrees? I won't waste my energy writing obvious , common sense solutions to America's competency problem because it's pissing in the wind under current circumstances.

As the US wanes globally, India itself could stop sending STEM graduates to America, as the remittances from US dollars (which is a substantial part of the Indian economy) no longer make sense as a trade off for letting go of your smartest people. I will be writing more in depth about this in future entries.

USA system is run by the same kind of hostile people who instituted the Bolshevik revolution, and their first goal is always to keep the ethnic majority strong enough to keep a global empire but too weak to resist them domestically. This delicate balance is no longer possible, and there just aren't enough creative and brilliant people to take on the collective equivalent in China, Russia and even Iran, where they are graduating record numbers of engineers and becoming unexpectedly militarily strong because of it.

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I believe they should remain where they are and use their superior intellect to design and construct a national sewer collection system.

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How many NASA engineers during the Cold War were plucked out of tiny rural American communities you've never heard of?

"To remain competitive, we must outsource our intelligentsia class to ethno-nepotistic foreigners" Wow, great idea.

After all, why bother cultivating local talent? No, no, that would be far too difficult. Better to take the path of least resistance, then scratch our heads wondering why this policy decision failed later.

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Have you considered the impact of weaponising the USD and its effect on hastening the rapid decline in American hegemony? Encouraging other nations to trade in their own currencies.

Do you think they will collapse their own economy at the expense of maintaining global military power? And what impact would a broken economy and its rebellious people have on government?

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The US Dollar will be subject in a future entry.

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I agree power analysis must take into account the optimism and faith in the system. I'm unclear on the link between multiculturalism and the factual decline in power and general wellbeing you provide evidence of.

I havent checked but it would seem the negative outlook on life expectancy, suicide, health, infant mortality and the like would be equally or more pronounced in minority communities.

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Majority populations in both the USSR and USA do not feel at home in nations where they are becoming a minority. There is also the factor of legal and economic discrimination and disenfranchisement. This is the root of deaths of despair rising in both nations. While minorities have these problems at higher rates, it is for different reasons.

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I'll put in plain language for you, since you are confused.

Why would I care to work to strengthen a system in which I am legally, morally and libelously discriminated against? It's pretty clear to most whites that the people who run things in the US want us gone, so why would we be in any way loyal to such a system?

Here's a real world example if that was too confusing for you. Make your own inferences.


The answer to 3 parts of your second question is a culture that glorifies irresponsibility and higher drug use. Minorities have a far lower suicide rate than whites though. Again, make your own inferences but it should be obvious why that is if you aren't a fool.

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I think we are in agreement. However, I am not as smart as you so I will leave it there.

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Nah, I'm an idiot bro XD Other David's comment just pissed me off lol.

Did get turned on to a couple interesting articles this morning though. Might be worth a read. Definitely pertinent to the subject.



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Feb 19, 2024
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I have some vague idea but would have to do more research. They were having trouble getting Russians inspired as the Brezhnev government overreached geopolitically (Afghanistan war, for example) and needed them. Perhaps something we will see more of in the US for the same reason, though this is a far more anti white country than the USSR. To whatever extent it came, it was too little too late.

Brezhnev was Ukrainian, by the way.

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