They're moderately religious, I'm an atheist. Our ancestors in Poland spoke primarily in Yiddisgh, there were even Yiddish newspapers and political parties in Poland which would hold meetings in Yiddish. Hebrew was only used for the religious purposes so barely anyone spoke it at all. Well-assimiliated families would also speak Polish and Latin or French.
And you have?
Of course, my entire family does.
Interesting. Are they part of a religious community, or just strongly “culturally Jewish”?
Nothing to do with my original comment, just generally curious about anything to do with the Yiddish language in America
I'm not from America though but if you remember the hilarious story about "Jewish tunnels" in NYC, those Chabad guys can surely speak Yiddish.
They're moderately religious, I'm an atheist. Our ancestors in Poland spoke primarily in Yiddisgh, there were even Yiddish newspapers and political parties in Poland which would hold meetings in Yiddish. Hebrew was only used for the religious purposes so barely anyone spoke it at all. Well-assimiliated families would also speak Polish and Latin or French.