This all boils down to "Jews didn't play fair like we Europeans understand fairness." If this is all true then historically Jews appear to have played a good game and continue to do so, high IQ or not. Moreover, I don't see how fair Europeans were when they colonised, enslaved and exploited for their wealth in the past. Just because the …
This all boils down to "Jews didn't play fair like we Europeans understand fairness." If this is all true then historically Jews appear to have played a good game and continue to do so, high IQ or not. Moreover, I don't see how fair Europeans were when they colonised, enslaved and exploited for their wealth in the past. Just because the Jewish playbook continues to reap them success as a collective diaspora, whereas colonialism went past its sell-by date, doesn't mean there's anything more nefarious going on than there is in any other sphere of current human endeavour predicated on power—it's all ridden with nepotism and the notion of meritocracy has been proven to be a scam in Europe, America, and everywhere else.
You think so? The Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians would not agree. Neither would anyone who believes in principles of justice, rule of law, democracy, human rights and common human decency.
This all boils down to "Jews didn't play fair like we Europeans understand fairness." If this is all true then historically Jews appear to have played a good game and continue to do so, high IQ or not. Moreover, I don't see how fair Europeans were when they colonised, enslaved and exploited for their wealth in the past. Just because the Jewish playbook continues to reap them success as a collective diaspora, whereas colonialism went past its sell-by date, doesn't mean there's anything more nefarious going on than there is in any other sphere of current human endeavour predicated on power—it's all ridden with nepotism and the notion of meritocracy has been proven to be a scam in Europe, America, and everywhere else.
Organized Jewry is better compared to a Mexican drug cartel or ISIS.
You think so? The Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians would not agree. Neither would anyone who believes in principles of justice, rule of law, democracy, human rights and common human decency.