
I am generally pretty open minded, but I am going to be removing "everyone who fights against Israel is in the Mossad" type comments. I don't see any value in those types of comments other than people try to debate them and there is a whole stupid spectacle distracting from the articles content and ideas.

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Jun 7Liked by Joseph Jordan

As you should, Just bullshit fud meant to confuse and mislead people. Jews are losing and anyone who can't see that are retarded.

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To say israel wanted this to happen is just the net effect of being blackpilled too long. As if jews want to spend millions of money on non jews in government office to get them to dance and reveal the shot for all, even the unimitated, to see.

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Jun 6Liked by Joseph Jordan

Joe, your appearance on The Aureus Press channel a month or so back was, as expected, a tonic. Gratifying as the interview was, it was also good to hear the host, Brendan, enthusiastically champion your work.

For almost a decade now, I have been edified by your stellar writing and podcast commentary, and yet I don’t think anyone — until the host did here in this interview — has ever stopped to properly laud your work; and rightly so.

Years of bantz and quiff-comments aside, the truth is that you have — as the host pointed out — an eclectic reservoir of knowledge, a unique gift to instantly recall information, and a take on history, politics and art that is not only uniquely refreshing, but also well argued.

It was high time that you were given high praise Joe, because you richly deserve it.

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Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot to me!

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True. He's one of the best historians and journalists in the US today, especially in the realm of the JQ. Breaking stories on the FBI and their numerous gay ops, also his ability construct such good narratives and essays about hypocritical and absurdity of the American Zio machine, even GOP shills with billions in funding have to resort to stealing his content without crediting him for it.

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Jun 7Liked by Joseph Jordan

Our hearts are with Sinwar

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Jun 6Liked by Joseph Jordan

Great man of history theory always beats structuralist ones.

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You said something in a recent warstrike that really struck me : The Palestinian people have went through so much agony that they don't even feel it anymore. I think whites in the US will need to learn and become very immune to Jewish persecution in the same way. We need to learn from their resolve and simply become anti-fragile to Jewish attempts at ruining our lives and careers for speaking out against them and boycotting them.

The warfare on whites is much more psychological than physical, but that doesn't mean it will be like this forever. Jews will resort to a physical response is the majority of whites simply ignore or become openly resistant to Jewish bribery

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Just remember the holodomor by kaganocich, a famine imposed on white non jews by a jew named lazar, jordan joseph said so himself. What did whites do? Whites started literally eating each other instead of organizing to kill off the jewish bolsheviks, that part he somehow left out. Path of least resistance.

Europeans have been selecting for docility, high impulse control and compliance via capital punishment, generations of keelhauling traitors etc. To expect a docile people to just snap like a rubberband in the span of a generation after what's been selected for, is nog thinking.

Sinwar himself, according to jordan not me, said his biggest obstacle to Palestinian statehood and peace was TRAITORS, his own rank and file. When whites start actively addressing that elephant in the room, THEN we're looking at whites actually standing a chance...short of that is wishful thinking and living vicariously through the Palestinians. A larp.

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Jun 8Liked by Joseph Jordan

A comment for support. Thanks Joe 😎

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Jun 15Liked by Joseph Jordan

Outstanding piece. Many thanks.

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Excellent article! Thank you. I am so glad to have found it on substack.

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“He dedicated himself to reading Israeli newspapers, as well as books on Jewish history and World War II… even after being freed, devoted himself to uncovering the political and ethnic weaknesses of the Jews and the Zionist worldview.”

Nailed it! This is how a deeply devout man can effectively resist Jewish supremacy—getting into the mind of one of them.

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My speculation when the ICC announced that they were going after Netanyahu, Gallant, Sinwar and Hamas leaders was that if Sinwar would be brought to the Hague, Netanyahu will find a way to have him assassinated. Overall, great article.

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Nice article. Hamas's military leadership NEVER broke of it's links with the Axist Of Resistance. One man who predicted such an attack in Israel was Avigdor Liberman.


He predicts now that Israel will be decapitated militarily by Iran about 2 years from now...


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deletedJun 7·edited Jun 7
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I'm pretty confident that hezbollah (and all resistance factions, for that matter) will stay the course even if their leader dies.

I think the bigger risk I see is China or Russia getting bribed into taking the pro-US position. Right now that doesn't look likely though.

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China and russia wont take bribes/quid pro when whats better for them is for the US to actually weaken, not collapse, weaken. A collapse would be a pyrrhic victory for china, i dont know about russia. Xi Ping's long game is to see/plan for usa being weakened enough to where the chinese can handle their sphere of influence better but not weakened so bad where all the debt china holds become near useless bargaining chips.

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G'day Alex, could elaborate on the scenario where you see Russia would supplicate itself in front of the Empire with or without monetary benefits bearing in mind that the Russian economy is leading the world in growth and is the most resilient and self sufficient.

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My only point is that some upper middle class people would make more money if Russia allied with the west.

For example, compare US and Russia software salaries here:


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