I recently watched a Vice “documentary” about the elevated crime rates in military bases. The very easy answer is the racial answer, but Occam’s Razor seems to escape these people.

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Jun 27Liked by Joseph Jordan

You are only scratching the surface with Germany and Japan. They have the same reputation anywhere in the world where they have bases. At the end of the day it's simple imperial hubris. Every powerful empire has imposed its will on the world stage going back to the Sumerians. Does that make it better...no but that's the name of the game.

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Living abroad for years, it is easy to see that Americans in general have a reputation with other travelers and sometimes locals. They are known to be demanding, loud and rude. I think this is because they carry excess trauma from the homeland. I have always felt that there needs to be a travel protocol for people to follow, when they travel or live abroad. This also goes for the military.

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Jun 28Liked by Joseph Jordan

I think that there is an institutional problem with the military. It is not uncommon for these people to have shocking behavior at home. Unfortunately, their conduct abroad is not a surprise. This empire must fall.

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My faith is tested daily by God allowing America to exist. - Patriarch of Moscow

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“If the rapes and murders continue at the current rate, a surge of global anti-Americanism is imminent. “

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What do you think are the prospects for Japan to switch sides and align with China?

I think it would make a lot of sense, because the Japanese want independence, national dignity, and less immigration. None of these are possible under US rule.

At the same time, the Chinese would have to thoughtfully position themselves as offering japan independence. Additionally, the Japanese would have to become organized and politicized. Maybe the anger over gaza could be a catalyst for this.

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Adopt that baby!!!🥺

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