Great article as always! I can't believe people fell for Trump's scam once again.

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Gear up for more open race mixing justification. It's grotesque.

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Average Indian IQ is 82.

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They brag about being smart in IT. Any time someone does that about their field, it's a red flag.

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They’re notorious for poorly written spaghetti code. When they say “smart in IT” what’s really meant by that is “cheap labor”.

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Yet they've managed to corner some of the US I.T. sector. An organized group can get anything done, anything.

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I’d rather have illegal Mexicans than legal Indians.

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That's averaging the southern Indians with the up north Punjabi Indo-Aryan ones. The ones up north are mad smaht. Down south,, its probs around 75, and there are way more of them.

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After learning that the "Poo in the loo" meme came from UNICEF telling Indians to stop shitting in the street (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Take_Poo_to_the_Loo) (Music video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l01AMCBG0Wk) I decided to look up if Pakistan and Bangladesh have the same problem, this (https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/people-practicing-open-defecation-of-population?time=earliest) over time map shows that they do not, or at least not to the same degree, I was interested in this because these are different countries of the same nation, all of them are Punjabi's so the differences would be cultural, and it would work to demonstrate the effect of different cultures not only on the same race but the same ethnicity. Starting from 2000 India used to have a rate of 73.3%! Beaten out only by a few countries (Cambodia was world champion at 87.5%, followed by Ethiopia at 75.5% and Burkina Faso at 74%) In comparison Pakistan was at 37% and Bangladesh was even lower at 17%. Things would improve for all three countries by 2008 India would be at 50.1% Pakistan at 25.6% and Bangladesh at 9.1% making Bangladesh the first of the three to reach the lowest rank on the scale. The most recent data from 2022 outright has Bangladesh at 0%, Pakistan at 6.8% but India still slightly out of the lowest rank at 11.1%.

Oh correction to an error I made, while Pakistan is majority Punjabi (Indo-Aryan) Bangladesh is majority... Bengali, hence the name but they're also Indo-Aryan just of a different background

More detailed analysis attributes the lion share of the street shitting in India to the Hindi Heartland (https://web.archive.org/web/20201201213635/https://riceinstitute.org/wordpress/2014/07/15/more-maps-did-open-defecation-really-decline-in-india-between-2001-and-2011/). Ironically Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in the north have the greatest concentration of street shitting, seems like worshipping demons results in street shitting and it's not a north, south thing. Yes I checked both of those are by large majority Hindu (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Uttar_Pradesh) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Bihar)

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Thank you for your great analysis, always eager to read.

I've been screaming from the roof tops that India, not China, is the REAL global threat and its almost never discussed among any analysts.

Just look at how they have quietly been infiltrating top political positions in white western governments and no one says boo.

The crazy part is, Indians despise us and I believe wouldn't hesitate to eliminate or subjugate the white world in a heartbeat.

I will not stay silent and refuse to do business at any Indian owned business. Such as the nearly 90% owned independent convenience stores or hotels.

I hope we quickly wake up to this quietly emerging threat before a Camp of the Saints moment occurs.

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Excellent article. The reference to GlobalIndianTimes Worthless Degrees is pretty funny an yet very concerning.

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Stop questioning things, just trust the plan, okay?!

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Orange Wig is an “Ugly Magnet”!

His people look worse than Biden's Queers!

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