I'm pretty sure Chuck Schumer's wife or maybe daughter controls the reading list for the New York Public School system. This sets the tone for the country and the world. At a local public library here in Canada, almost all the children's books are written by Jewish or non-white authors. They are about 25% genderqueer propaganda.

The Catholic school contained within the same building next to it literally walled off the door to this this library from their school. I asked the librarian about it and he said that the choice of library books is protected under Canadian federal laws.

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When it comes to the regime occupying the United States, it's a game of "find the jew." Remember they are only 2% of the U.S. population and 0.2% of the world's population. Often times the politician itself will be one. If not that, often the spouse of the politician will be one (e.g. Kamala Harris' spouse). If not the spouse (or sometimes in addition to), one or more of the children will have been married off to jews (e.g. Biden's kids). Why does nothing ever get better for Americans in America?

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Dec 26
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Spoken like a true jew

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While it's true that modern ethnography of warmongers in America and Britain is Jewish, past ethnography wasn't as Jewish, yet there was just as much anti-Russian warmongering.

Various other modern European/EU leaders are not Jewish but are warmongers all the same. American WASP elites in the 1960s weren't exactly pro-Russian, neither were German elites in the 1930s-1940s. I tend to think that historical European and American anti-Russian warmongering inertia and general logic of how to run a global empire are more of a factor here than Jewishness of some of the modern elites. That's not to say that Jewishness isn't the key factor when it comes to foreign policy in other regions like the Middle East, or that some parts of what diplomacy is focused on are not typical WASP stuff (like obsession with promoting LGBT degeneracy everywhere in the world), but in most regions the logic seems to be maintaining and expanding imperial dominance, a logic that's been known to every empire in the history of the world even before ancient Jews wrote the Torah, i.e. it's not inherently Jewish.

"America doesn’t even have a coherent non-Jewish faction to offer debate on diplomatic affairs."

Well, America doesn’t have a coherent Jewish faction to offer debate on diplomatic affairs either. Foreign policy blob's purity spiraling made sure there are no dissenters left anywhere near real power. You're either with the blob or you're "with the terrorists," "a Kremlin agent," "puppet of the CCP," or an "Iranian useful idiot."

Even Jew Kissinger would disapprove of what the empire is doing now, I'm sure. So, low competence of the elites is a major factor of why they keep messing things up for themselves - all the competent ones got filtered out for being realistic and not being hawkish enough, doesn't matter if it's hawkish on China, hawkish on Iran, hawkish on Russia, etc. In this regard I don't know if Jewish arrogance of imagining themselves as invincible immortal demigods is any worse than, say Anglo arrogance of British WASP elites who still think of their country as some kind of important major player on the world stage.

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The globalists

The illuminati

The masons

The international bankers

The cathedral

I guess we can add "the blob" to the list of euphemisms. Thanks for the input.

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You're welcome. I hope one day your understanding of what influences foreign policy of different countries will expand beyond "It's the Jews, and there's literally nothing more to discuss at all" and will be more nuanced.

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Its a hierarchy with Jews at the top. Not surprising given that they control the money and banks. Everything flows from there. Anything can be bought. Point your finger at their underlings all day. Yes Evangelicals are retarded. Yes there are others who are not themselves Jewish in power, but they all serve their master. This is widely known outside of the West where they control the media btw. Like, a random Chinaman, Indian or Arab knows this by the age of 16.

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How about we leave the conversation about any irrelevant players up to people such as yourself, who care nothing about the nuances of the discussion of Jews and Jewish power, but solely about the implications of them becoming mainstream, and what that would mean for you.

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Nixon is recorded in the Watergate tapes saying he wanted to keep Kissinger away from any Israeli issues, and in conversation with Nixon, Kissinger would kiss his ass over "the bad/fake Jews". Come Yom Kippur 1973 at a period of personal weakness and scandal for Nixon's administration, Kissinger presses hard for Operation Nickel Grass to rush airlifts in support of Israel, which Nixon grants. 50 years later, has the damage done to American diplomacy and access to energy been undone?

Obviously there exist plenty of useful idiots and Shabbos goyim among the WASPs, LBJ man turned Nixonite John Connally among them (also a Brookings Institute man and earlier Kissinger ally) who would give speeches a decade later decrying the oil situation while promoting every alternative energy but never even considering adjusting our relationship with Israel. You make the mistake of assuming that non-Jewish leaders/voices must therefore have non-Jewish interests.



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We know…. You have been talking about it for years. But what I find most compelling is the part you put up about Marshall vs. Morganthau and how no such thing exists now.

Tucker Carlson or Douglas MacGregor would do a counterpart to a rabid Zionist if allowed into a position of power and influence. But they would not be allowed in at this point, nor anyone like them.

I think the Jews in DC look at this as a big win, that they have full spectrum dominance. What they do not realize is that without some Gentile there to provide some counterbalance, they will overplay their hand. But then they have never been able to even conceive of the notion

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Same as it ever was.

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Eric Kaufmann's assertion in The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America that the historic WASP elite was the dominant power bloc in American 1960s way oversimplifies the reality of power dynamics in the USA's Old Republic. During the Old Republic, political, economic, and scientific structures were far more decentralized, with power distributed across a variety of regional, local, and institutional actors. Democratic governance structures, such as our old parties which were completely different than today's versions despite sharing the same name ensured that no single faction, including the WASPs, could dominate in a absolute manner. The Old Republic's decentralized economic system, characterized by interstate banking competition inhibitors, local and state regulatory variability, and fragmented industrial ecosystems, prevented monopolistic control by any narrow elite. Also, scientific research and innovation were supported by a diverse ecosystem of private, state, and regional institutions, further diffusing influence. It was only through the centralizations that occurred between the late 1960s and early 1980s, marked by the consolidation of financial, industrial, and political power, that narrow factions could exercise outsized influence.

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Dec 24
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Noticing things is anti-Semitic!

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