Fantastic article once again. I appreciate the audio versions as well; great for listening when preparing dinner or fixing up something at home. Also, I hope you're able to record this in segments, because I'd imagine a one-take 40 minutes straight would be tricky, albeit impressive.
America's carrot and stick diplomacy became much less appealing after it shoved the carrot up it's @ss.
Very impressive, Mr. Jordan.
A terrific listen as usual. Thank you!
Fantastic article once again. I appreciate the audio versions as well; great for listening when preparing dinner or fixing up something at home. Also, I hope you're able to record this in segments, because I'd imagine a one-take 40 minutes straight would be tricky, albeit impressive.
Downloadable mp3 reading of your article is just the ticket, THANK YOU!!
Do you accept money from boomers?
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