Oh my. I was once part of the Evangelical-Schofield-Darby-Zio-'Christian'-Rapture-Ready-Dispensationalist-Israel-First cult, but mercifully, that is no longer the case. Even so, I had no idea about the information you've uncovered on Billy Graham. One can only imagine the dirt they have on the clownish John Hagee and other 'Christian' Judeo-sycophants.

Thank God you have been unshackled to focus your talents on journalistic writing and commentary-rich podcasts. Absolutely stellar work here!

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Ditto what you said! Excellent response!

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Amazing peice, Joseph! You have a talent for finding and bringing lesser known aspects of Jewish power to light. So important, thank you.

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This is the first thing on Substack I've found worth reading outside my own private little group. I'd put it up on a couple of venues I have but knowing me would only cause trouble for you so you will have to be happy with a crosspost. Great work Joseph!

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If I recall correctly, female evangelical leaders like Kay Arthur and Joyce Meyer were also responsible for pumping the Judeo-Christian narrative to legions of church wives while fleecing them for money too.

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Thank you, Joseph! It was translated and published on the biggest Hungarian nationalist news site: https://kuruc.info/

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Awesome work!

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Before I became a Catholic I was raised in an Evangelical church, and although the Israel thing wasn't a big focus basically everyone believed the standard Schofield stuff to a certain degree even myself for a long time. That was one of the first things to fall for me thankfully, although I had no idea about all of this stuff about Graham until I heard you and Warren talking about this on your show.

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Good article. I would just like to point out that the World Evangelical Alliance was founded at Freemasons’ Hall in London in 1846, which is also the headquarters of the United Grand Lodge of England.


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Saying what I intuitively and generally knew as a topic but this is great research

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You produce by far the best editorial content among nationalists. I noticed this with your older articles posted on the NJP website and I would encourage you to perhaps archive and repost some them here. Sadly, such content does not always get the attention it deserves but hopefully on here you will be able to grow the larger following these writings deserve.

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I know I have already praised your writing, but this really is an important piece that needs to be widely read. This directly contradicts narratives we see from anti semitic far right Christians which portrays Jewish power's primary antagonism as against Christianity. It never made sense how America could simultaneously be the most Jewish nation in the West and the most devoutly Christian if that narrative was true.

I am not anti Christian but I have never been a fan of this aspect of America in regards to its influence on both culture and politics. The fact that Jewish power seems to be behind the unique religiosity of Americans in the 2nd half of the 20th century compared to other Westerners as oppose to it having something to do with its puritan foundations is mind blowing to me.

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JamesO, I understand why you have come to this conclusion, given the media, cultural and institutional narrative. However, even a cursory reading of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, will negate the 20th Century reading of Evangelical Christianity vis-a-vis 'the Jews'.

Both Testaments, prima facie, declare the Jew to be the enemy of mankind, and displeasing to God. The mistake made by many (Christians and non-Christians alike) is to accept the Rabbinical-Talmudic / Schofield-Darby reframing of Jews as portrayed in the Bible, rather than simply accepting the text as it is stated. I won't abuse this platform to make a theological apologia, but truly, the Book of Hosea, for example, is nothing if not a declaration of divorce made by God to 'the whore', 'the harridan', 'the prostitute' that is national Israel.

Only the O.T. 'remnant Israel' is pleasing to God, and serves as a light to the world. Despite all the maddening gymnastics of modern 'Judeo-Christian' hermeneutics, the New Testament discloses who that 'remnant Israel' is. It isn't the Jews. It is Christ himself (the corner stone), along with all those redeemed sinners in union with him.

What the Jews and the vast majority of unthinking, un-inquisitive, uneducated non-Jews have done with their outrageous reframing WW2 and the actors involved, they have also done with the Good Book. Everything has been turned upside down.

With all that said, you make a good point about the Puritan foundations. I am currently reading a 19th century tome on Cromwell and clearly we need to re-assess what that era and movement was really all about -- revisionism, if you will.

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I actually converted this article to a Word document, printed it, and used postage stamps to mail it to my Christian Fundie Nutter relatives. :-)

If you had a Monero address, I would send you money.

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The bottom line is that whether Christianity was originally an Aryan faith in the mists of antiquity and was hijacked and Judaized over the centuries to destroy the White race or if it was always a deracinated creed from its inception, it is readily apparent that it is poison for Caucasian man now. The three Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all weapons in the arsenal of the Demiurge and inimical to the Liberating Gods of the Uncreated Light. I'm not convinced Lee blundered at Gettysburg as he repeatedly made similar blunders throughout the war, needlessly sacrificing his always outnumbered men in suicidal assaults against lethal, entrenched Union positions. The Confederacy was ultimately bled to death because of this. Lee, like most high ranking officers of both the Confederacy and the Union was a top level Freemason (as were the so-called Founding Fathers) and upon scrutiny there is evidence of secret collusion between the officer Masons of both the Blue and the Gray. This should be researched much more thoroughly. It is possible that Lee was surreptitiously working for the Union, as blasphemous as that sounds. If not, he was grossly incompetent as a commanding general, always playing right into the hands of his alleged adversaries. After all, Freemasonry is Judaism for the goyim and nothing pleases the Chozen Pipple more than legions of the flower of White manhood slaughtering each other.

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A very good article. I knew the outlines of it, but not in the succinct way you have done so here. Very good. I have Evangelicals in my family, quite a few, especially the Boomers, and they have a mental block against ever criticizing Jews or Jewish actions.

I remember the footage of when the Israelis bombed an ancient church as part of their ethnic cleansing in Gaza, and sending that to my father in law. He was certain Hamas did it. When I explained that impossibility of that based upon how the weapon system deployed, he still refused to believe.

They have a stranglehold on the Boomer Evangelicals, but fortunately if appears to be fading in younger generations

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I can't fully express just how fascinating I found this article and would love it if you ever have the time to follow up with a part 2 about this movement throughout the Bush era/Iraq War. I'm a millennial who was raised by these exact type of people and can personally attest to how batshit crazy Evangelicals are so finding out it was a Zionist op from the very beginning has been very illuminating. I remember as a kid having a pastor who would rave about taking annual trips to Jerusalem and show us pictures and tell us how "God protects America only as long as America protects Israel." Of course as a child it was so normalized I didn't think much of it but as an adult looking back I'm sure you can imagine the crazy feeling of seeing all your childhood memories in a whole new light; it was a con job the entire time!

Another severely underdiscussed aspect of this is the long term effects this has had on the mental state of people raised with this ideology. I often wonder how much of the mass personal and political dysfunctions of my generation were directly caused by religiously-based abuse at the hands of their Judeo-Christian parents. "I was raised by Evangelical lunatics during the Bush era" is a surprisingly common origin story among self-hating White Millennial leftists, many of which turned around and became crazed anti-White trans activists as an act of rebellion. Being brainwashed as a child by a glorified doomsday cult that we must support Israel and glass the Middle East to fulfill Revelations and trigger the apocalypse is definitely going to leave psychological scars that can last well into adulthood so I believe exposing the Zionist scam behind it all is important for repairing all the damage they've caused. Thank you again for your hard work here!

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The great migration did indeed destroy the public school system in northern cities. Schools were in fact dangerous.

“White flight” was because of insane levels crime and a wrecked public school system, not “racism”

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Milliions of Born again Christians are Not isreal firster at all... or the darby-scoifield bible --judaizer..millenarian..rapture-- lunacy you generically described **The evangelical cult is a ..neo--talmudic bolshevist occult phenomenon..they cherry pick old testament *conditional*scriptures wildly out of context..in so doing side...with the Christ-murderers..problem for them is..He rose from the Dead.**Billy graham was what?..a CIA operative and also a Jew? Many types of Christians..many types of Born again Christians..many speak In new tongues ..utilize the 9gifts if The Holy

Spirit.......many don't* The evangelicals ..like freemasons...are a dogmatic occult. --Satan-cult**they believe all manner of unresearched ..pseudo-scriptural rigidly regressive wrong concepts..they are closer to scientology than any real connection to AllMighty Jesus Christ.*

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Thy Will Be Done : Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil by Gerard Colby & Charlotte Dennett is a real deep dive into the use of these religous front groups for cynical geopolitical advantage.

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